Bridal bouquet & boutonniere
Your bridal bouquet(s) and/or boutonniere(s) will be similar to these photos above: A mix of creamy white and blush roses, spray roses, white stock, lisianthus and buds with seasonal greenery. A conventional garden nosegay bouquet hand tied with cream satin ribbon handle, finished with pearl pins with exposed stems. Blush roses can be replaced with your choice of another accent colour. Boutonniere will be either 1 large regular rose or 2 spray roses with seasonal greenery decoration.
Arch & backdrop options for ceremony
Eternity Golden Arch (left)
- 7.5′ gold circle arch
- Faux flower arrangement (optional – customization available)
Wooden Hexagon Arch (right)
- 6.25′ wooden hexagon arbor
- Faux flower arrangement (optional – customization available)
White Floral Arch (left)
- 7′(left) and 6′(right) floral arch
- Faux flower arrangement
Greenery Floral Arch (middle)
- 7′(left) and 5′(right) greenery arch
- Faux flowers can be added (optional)
Pipe & Drape (right)
- White curtain style backdrop
- Faux or fresh arrangements can be added (optional)
Pillar arrangements, aisle decor and other ceremony decor are also available. Additional cost will apply.